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Run by the Ramsay School Parent Association for the benefit of Ramsay Elementary School

Where do I go?
Check in at the skate shack at the top of the hill above/behind Ramsay School.
General duties:
Manage entrance, handle payments, direct cars into lot and get to know other Ramsay school parents!
What do I do first?
Sign in at the table inside the skate shack. Then grab some saftey gear and read through your shift instructions (wall).
Volunteer PDF
Full Volunteer details here. ​
Please read through the website FAQ's for any customer related questions. Thank you!​​
Collecting payment:
We use the 'Square' payment system which pairs to your phone. Instructions available at the shack and previous volunteers will be there to help!
Volunteer Safety:
No cash float
Buddy system
No customer bathroom access (please keep doors closed)

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